Guided Ice Fishing

Morning Bite

This trip includes 3-4 hours of morning fishing:

  • 1-2 people - $350

  • 3 people - $450

  • 4 people - $550

  • 5 people -$650

  • Additional non-fisherman - $50

Evening Bite

This trip includes 3-4 hours of evening fishing:

  • 1-2 people - $350

  • 3 people - $450

  • 4 people - $550

  • 5 people -$650

  • Additional non-fisherman - $50

Full Day

This trip includes 6 hours of fishing, lunches provided:

  • 1-2 people - $450

  • 3 people - $550

  • 4 people - $650

  • 5 people -$750

  • Additional non-fisherman - $50

Extended Full Day

This trip includes 8+ hours of fishing (often sunup to sundown), lunches provided:

  • 1-2 people - $550

  • 3 people - $650

  • 4 people - $750

  • 5 people - $850

  • Additional Non-Fisherman - $50

Somethin’ in Particular

Trophy fishing and targeting of specific species can be difficult, may require scouting, extended day trips, and can often take multiple days to achieve.

Contact Jax for trophy fishing availability and obtain a quote for Somethin’ in Particular

Large Groups, Families, Disabled Veterans

Contact Jax for discounted rates for groups with 6+ members (up to 12 people), for families with children under 14, and for disabled veterans.

Guided Fly Fishing

1/2 Day Wading

This trip includes 3-4 hours of wade fishing: $300

Full Day Wading

This trip includes 5-6 hours of wade fishing, lunch provided: $450

1/2 Day Floating

This trip includes 4-5 hours of drift boat fishing: $450

Full Day Floating

This trip includes 6-8 hours of drift boat fishing: $600